

Office of Academic Affairs

I. Functions

The Office of Academic Affairs performs the function of counseling and supporting the Rector in managing the organization and implementing training activities including training plans and programs, course materials, teaching organization, and teaching quality assurance in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training & Dai Nam University.

II. Mission  

1. Training development 

1.1. Coordinating with developing units to build major projects at establishing training majors

1.2. Instructing training units in terms of documenting, building and developing new training majors; developing training programs, teaching & learning methods, and detailed course outlines.

1.3. Presiding and coordinating with involved units to develop and submit the training management documents to the President for promulgation. Proposing to the Rector to impose regulations on the management of the training process at university training levels.

1.4. Managing Training Program name and framework; industry codes, majors; course codes of all active disciplines, majors and modules in a unified way.

1.5. Permanent Council and Departments support the Admissions and the Examination Council in considering for recognition of graduation qualifications and training modules

 1.6. Managing joint training cooperation with Universities, Academies as well as other domestic and foreign partners.

2. Enrollment

2.1. Establishing entry requirements and coordinating with departments to develop the annual enrollment scheme;

2.2. Coordinating with involved departments to develop an enrollment plan.

2.3. Arranging admitted students into majors in accordance with the university's regulations. Handing over class lists to faculties. Managing student records.

2.4.  Organizing the entrance exam for the inter-university and Master's level.

3. Training activities implementation 

3.1. Developing processes, regulations and forms related to training;

3.2. Developing and submitting the school year plan to the Rector; coordinating with Faculties, Schools, and Offices to set up teaching and learning timetables as well as final exam schedule.

3.3. Managing articles and scores for exams; archiving process scores and exam scores for all levels and training forms.   

3.4. Coordinating with departments to organize the opening ceremony, graduation, and citizens-students week.

3.5. Handling complaints about class schedules, exam schedules and academic results.

3.6. Coordinating with the Office of Student Affairs to organize and inspect teaching activities, implement the working regime of lecturers and the training regulations of students and trainees.

3.7. Granting all kinds of scholarships, including scholarships for talent promotion, study encouragement and high-quality class scholarships.

3.8. Providing detailed statistics of training activities 

4. Considering and recognizing studying results

4.1. Coordinating with involved departments to consider foreign language input & output standards and graduation requirements

4.2. Proposing and reporting the following cases to the Rector for academic review: Students moving out and/or transferring in, academic performance and discipline warning, students getting fast-tracked, suspended or expelled. 

5. Quality controlling 

5.1. Participating in accrediting the educational institution's quality, improving the quality outside the educational institution.

5.2. Taking part in accreditation activities of training programs.

6. Training budget management 

6.1. Examining and confirming the number of teaching hours of lecturers.

6.2. Planning the cost of training activities by semester and by school year.

7. Issuing diplomas and certificates

7.1. Making records to purchase blank templates and using blank templates for diplomas and certificates.

7.2. Managing templates, and coordinating with involved departments for granting graduation diplomas and certificates of the university licensed by the Ministry of Education and Training. Verifying the high school academic results and diplomas of students and trainees.

7.3. Verifying Information about granted diplomas, certificates and qualifications...

8. Reports - statistics - archives

8.1. Producing and submitting periodical reports to supervising departments as well as the three public training institutions... 

Submitting public reports to the training institution.

8.2. Producing statistical reports related to training activities.

8.3. Archiving training records as prescribed in Circular 27/2016 dated December 30, 2016 of the Ministry of Education and Training.

9. Coordinating with the University’s Departments to fulfill tasks related to the Academic Affairs Office’s scope of work. Performing other duties assigned by the Rector.