

Dai Nam University has been awarded the Certificates of Education Quality Accreditation for 04 training programs

On March 30th, Dai Nam University solemnly held the Decision Announcement Ceremony to receive the Certificates of Education Quality Accreditation for 04 training programs at undergraduate level, including: Pharmacy, Business Administration, English Studies, Tourism and Travel Services Management.

After 16 years of constant development, Dai Nam University has affirmed its brand position and prestige by training quality and learning with practice to meet the demand for human resources of the society.

Besides ensuring modern facilities, qualified training programs, devoted staff and lecturers; a professional, modern and dynamic learning environment for students’ comprehensive development, Dai Nam University also places a great emphasis on the implementation of Education Quality Accreditation following the new set of standards by the Ministry of Education and Training.

Accordingly, in 2019, Dai Nam University is one of the first 08 universities to achieve the Quality Accreditation of Educational institutions according to the new set of standards by the Ministry of Education and Training.

In pursuit of the goal to have 100% of its training programs accredited according to the standards of the Ministry of Education and Training, Dai Nam University enlisted the Center for Education Accreditation of Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) to conduct an external evaluation of four majors in November 2022, including: Pharmacy, Business Administration, English Studies, Tourism and Travel Services management.

We highly appreciate and do believe that Dai Nam University will become the leading university in Vietnam in the near future 

After a period of objective and rigorous evaluation, 04 training majors of Dai Nam University have been recognized and awarded certificates of Education Quality Standards by the Council for Accreditation of Education and the Centre for Education Accreditation of Vietnam National University, Hanoi. 

Representatives of the parties at the Decision Announcement ceremony to receive the Certificates of Education Quality Accreditation for 04 training majors of Dai Nam University

Attending the ceremony, on the side of the Centre for Education Accreditation of Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) there were: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dinh Van Toan - Deputy Director, Chairman of the Council for Accreditation of Education; MSc. Vu Thi Mai Anh – Deputy Head of Education Quality Assessment and Accreditation Department; Prof. Hoang Ba Thinh – Permanent member of the external evaluation team.

On the side of Dai Nam University, there were: Dr. Le Dac Son – Chairman of the University Council; Heads of the Departments, Offices, Schools and Centers; along with the Deans, staff, lecturers and students of 04 Faculties: Pharmacy, Business Administration, English Studies, and Tourism.

MSc. Vu Thi Mai Anh announced the Decision on recognition of Dai Nam University’s meeting the standards of Education Accreditation of 04 training majors

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dinh Van Toan awarded Certificates to 04 Faculties having qualified accredited training programs

Speaking at the Ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dinh Van Toan highly appreciated the efforts and results of Dai Nam University in the activities of Education Accreditation. The Certificates of Education Quality Accreditation for 04 training programs at the undergraduate level are the best evidence of the University's achievements in improving training quality, meeting the high demand of well-qualified human resources and international integration.

With these achievements, we believe that Dai Nam University would accomplish the mission of training so that graduates could have fulfilling lives and become upstanding citizens; and DNU will be the first priority for students seeking diverse career paths, known as the leading university in Vietnam in the coming time”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dinh Van Toan affirmed.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dinh Van Toan recognized and appreciated Dai Nam University’s efforts

The Centre for Education Accreditation of Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) gave flowers to congratulate the Heads of DNU and representatives of 04 Faculties achieving the Accreditation of Education

DNU committed to try their best so that students could learn as well as experience in the best environment, and get well-paid jobs after graduation...

At the Ceremony, Dr. Le Dac Son shared some remarks: “The results of the Education Accreditation are the initial steps, not the final goals of Dai Nam University. They  greatly motivate us to keep on enhancing the training quality to come up with breakthrough ideas, taking Dai Nam University brand to new heights. We are committed to constantly improving and upgrading the value of the Education Accreditation Certificates; towards the goal of achieving Accreditation regionally and globally”.

Dr. Le Dac Son emphasized: Each staff and lecturer must be imbued with 06 core values of the learning ecosystem and the ideology "positively change the education quality" to contribute more achievements to national education.

On the basis of 04 training programs achieving the Education Accreditation, Dai Nam University is preparing to conduct the evaluation of the rest training majors. We are committed to try their hardest so that students could learn as well as experience in the best environment, and get well-paid jobs after graduation", Dr. Le Dac Son affirmed.

Dr. Le Dac Son believes that the cooperation between Dai Nam University and the Centre for Education Accreditation of Vietnam National University, Hanoi will make more contributions to the national education

The Heads of the University, the Deans of 04 Faculties achieved the Education Accreditation and the evaluation team of the Center for Education Accreditation, VNU took a group photo

Accordingly, the Accreditation of training majors would be the key task to improve training quality in the development pathway of Dai Nam University, towards the vision: "By 2030, DNU will be in top 10 Prestigious Private Universities in Vietnam, become the first priority for students seeking diverse career paths”.

Some highlighted moments at the Ceremony:

After 10 years of training, the Faculty of Pharmacy at Dai Nam University has trained and offered the society thousands of qualified pharmacists, contributing to the public health care and protection

The Faculty of Pharmacy at Dai Nam University is on the way towards the goal of achieving Accreditation regionally and globally

Business Administration is the key training sector of Dai Nam University with the most applicants for university admission

English Studies is among the most common fields of study for applicants to university admission


The Tourism and Travel Service Management major draws great attention from students during each enrollment season

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